Fifth Anniversary FCS Jamie E. DePeau Leadership Award Honors Renée Baker, DBA, Raymond James

The Financial Communications Society (FCS) has today announced that Renée Baker, DBA, Raymond James, has been selected as recipient of the FCS Jamie E. DePeau Leadership Award for 2020. The annual award will be presented at a virtual awards ceremony on December 9th at 5:30pm ET, when the FCS also celebrates FCS Financial Marketer of the Year Award for 2020; finalists include E*TRADE Financial, New York Life, and State Street Global Advisors.

The FCS Jamie E. DePeau Leadership Award was created to recognize an FCS member whose leadership inspires and educates others to think big, break down barriers and perform at their highest potential.  The goal is to honor, every year, FCS members who, through personal and professional contributions to their communities, serve as living examples of the selfless, inspirational leadership that Jamie DePeau embodied during her career in financial services marketing.  Ms. DePeau, who passed away in 2016, was an active member of the FCS Marketing Leadership Roundtable, had served as a presenter at several FCS events, and was a stalwart supporter of the FCS and her team’s participation in the organization.

“The FCS is proud to recognize Renée Baker for her leadership as a marketer, a mentor, and a leading voice in financial services, championing diversity and inclusion,” said Kevin Windorf, CEO, FCS.  “The FCS mission begins with Community, and Renée has been a beacon for bringing people together, whether it’s been the companies where she’s worked, the communities where she’s lived, or the FCS itself. She was an active FCS board member who was responsible for first putting our Philadelphia chapter on the map. The work she’s now leading at Raymond James is emblematic of Renee’s ability to give of herself – to make a difference and to have impact.”

“I am truly honored and humbled to be the recipient of this year’s Jamie E. DePeau Leadership award,” said Renée Baker. “As someone who had the pleasure of knowing Jamie, I feel inspired by her leadership example. I believe in doing what’s right for people and I’m proud to use my voice to provide an opportunity for all voices to be heard and help everyone be seen. Whether I’m working with advisors, associates, students or others, my desire is to empower everyone to aspire to greater and encourage everyone to share their contributions to our world.”

Nominated by Kelly Thiel, Senior Relationship Manager, Advisor Inclusion Networks, Raymond James, Renée was selected by a panel of four judges, who represent several facets of Jamie DePeau’s personal and professional life.  The judging panel included:

  • Berta Aldrich, Chief Marketing & Human Resources Officer, Private Advisor Group; recipient of the FCS Jamie E. DePeau Leadership Award 2016
  • Elena French, SVP, Corporate Communications, Lincoln Financial
  • Tom Jago, Managing Director, The Ward Group; Vice Chair, FCS
  • Kevin Windorf, CEO, FCS

About Jamie E. DePeau

Jamie DePeau, Corporate Chief Marketing Officer, Lincoln Financial Group, was a true friend of the FCS and very supportive of our mission of community, education and philanthropy. She was an active member in the FCS Marketing Leadership Roundtable since its founding in 2012. That year, she participated in our Annual Education Summit, serving on a panel with fellow CMOs. In 2013, she served as one of our guest presenters at the 19th Annual FCS Portfolio Awards. When she was SVP, Marketing at TIAA-CREF, she presented at our monthly luncheon at the New York Yacht Club in December of 2007. 

Ms. DePeau passed away in February of 2016.  In April of that year, her work at Lincoln was recognized posthumously as her marketing team and their agency won seven trophies at the 22nd Annual FCS Portfolio Awards Gala.  In addition to her own participation, Ms. DePeau encouraged her Lincoln colleagues to get involved with the FCS.

Outside of work, Ms. DePeau was very active at her community church, where she held senior roles in the parish’s lay leadership, as well as performing in its choir. She was a volunteer for the Ridgewood Baseball and Softball Association and for other Ridgewood youth sports groups.

In addition to her roles as mother and wife, boss and colleague, Ms. DePeau is remembered as a mentor and friend, and always a leader.